DIY Dog Wheelchair – do have any four-legged friends in need of walking assistance?
This compact and affordable wheelchair can help them adventure again! And it can be assembled very quickly. Made with ¾ inch PVC pipe and rugged wheels, this design is meant to handle any kind of activity or terrain they might find themselves in.
In addition, this is a simple design to build, and a very affordable DIY project.
Ideal for: dogs, pets, gift ideas, animal shelters, family projects, and more.
Ready to build your own? Great! Just check out the DIY build guide and diagrams below to get started.
A note before starting.
Please understand - the below diagrams are designed to help you navigate the build process. However, we don’t include specific recommendations for which tools, hardware, and products to use. These truly are “DIY” designs.
We do, however, have a few generic recommendations for working with PVC.
Okay. Got all your tools and parts? Ready to build?
Step 1
First up: the wheel-base (x2).
You’ll be assembling both wheels in the same way, so you’ll want to use the above diagram to gather all the parts you’ll need need (x2).
Then, assemble the wheel bases using the diagrams as a visual reference.
Once done, you can lay them aside until it’s time to attach them to the frame later on.
Step 2
The diagram above is one-half of your front frame. So, you’ll need to build the structure pictured above twice (x2).
The second frame should mirror the one pictured above. In other words, it should look just like the one above; only in reverse.
Once you’re done, you should have the two completed halves of your front frame. You can go ahead and lay these aside until it’s time to connect them later on.
Step 3
Now, it’s to build both side frames of your wheelchair. Again, the diagram above only shows the left side frame. So, you’ll need to assemble it. Then, you’ll need to assemble another frame that mirrors the above design.
Step 4
The back frame of your wheelchair should be a fast build. And you’ll only to make one of these.
Just attach all five parts together as shown above, and then lay this aside.
Step 5
Almost done!
It’s finally time to connect all the pieces. For this step, you’ll just two additional 14” tubes.
Use these to connect both sides your front and side frames.
Then, go ahead and connect your back frame and wheels.
An, that’s it! All done.
We hope you enjoyed the build, and we hope a lucky doggo gets to it enjoy it as well.
Happy adventuring!