DIY Marshmallow Air Gun – around here, we here spell the word ‘fun’ m-a-r-s-h-m-a-l-l-o-w a-i-r g-u-n.
A PVC air “gun” uses compressed air to launch small objects long distances. The air is compressed by human breath, and is released through an escape valve that launches the projectile. This can be a small ball, a water-filled balloon, or… marshmallows!
This launcher can reach up to 40 feet with just one breath of air. The design uses ½ inch PVC pipe and fittings, and it’s entirely customizable and upgradeable.
Just connect the pieces and have fun!
Ideal for: fun.
Ready to build your own? Great! Just check out the DIY build guide and diagrams below to get started.
A note before starting.
Please understand - the below diagrams are genuinely and carefully designed to help you navigate the build process. However, we don’t include specific recommendations for which tools, hardware, and products to use, and so on. These truly are “DIY” designs.
We do, however, have a few generic recommendations for working with PVC.
Ready to build yours?
Step 1
First: the forward grip and barrel assemblies.
Using the diagram above, gather all the necessary parts.
Then connect them as shown, using the diagrams and visuals as a reference.
Once this is done, ensure that all the pieces are permanently connected and sealed; and then set the barrel/grip assembly aside for now.
Step 2
Time to give your marshmallow gun a “highly accurate” scope.
Using the visuals for reference, assemble the above pieces in the manner shown.
Once you’re done, set your scope aside for now.
Step 3
Next, you’ll be making the main “frame” of your gun: the stock.
NOTE: for this step you might want to make sure and gather all the necessary parts, and then lay them out on a flat surface in the way that they will be assembled. This will help you construct/affix these parts quickly. The reason we recommend this: the frame has to remain has to remain somewhat flexible in order to attach the last few parts.
So, we recommend getting everything together, and then assembling the parts in a “circular” manner.
In other words: start with your 4-way outlet, and then move clockwise, attaching each piece as you go until you get back to the 4-way.
Once you’re done, you can set your finished gun stock aside until step 5
Step 4
You’ll need an air entrance for your gun to work.
For this step, just attach the pieces as seen above, and then set them aside.
Step 5
Almost done!
Now, you can go ahead and finish assembling your gun.
You should be able to do this in just three easy steps.
Just attach your barrel to your scope mount; your scope mount to your stock, and your air entrance to your stock.
Once you’re done: please remember to let your finished creation dry/cure properly before putting it into operation.
And that’s it!
Happy marshmallowing!