DIY Baby Walker – for all energetic babies. And for all exhausted parents!
Baby walkers are devices that help infants and toddlers learn how to move and walk. Made specifically so that a child can move around in a seated position, baby walkers help infants to learn motor coordination skills with a small bubble of safety around them.
In addition, many infants love being able to wheel around on the floor, instead of having to crawl everywhere.
Our baby walker design is super easy to make, and the sturdy 11/4 PVC will certainly hold up under stress.
Ideal for: babies! (and for people with babies, and maybe even baby showers)
Ready to build your own? Great! Just check out the DIY build guide and diagrams below to get started.
A note before starting.
Please understand - the below diagrams are genuinely and carefully designed to help you navigate the build process. However, we don’t include specific recommendations for which tools, hardware, and products to use, and so on. These truly are “DIY” designs.
We do, however, have a few generic recommendations for working with PVC.
Ready to build yours?
Step 1
First up: the wheels (x4).
Each wheel assembly for your baby walker has three parts. Using the diagram above, gather the relevant parts (x4), and then go ahead and build each wheel assembly as pictured.
Once you’re done, feel free to set the finished wheel assemblies aside until the last step. This will also give any cement or glue you’ve used time to cure.
Step 2
Next up: the base frame.
PLEASE NOTE: before cementing/gluing the pieces in this step; you’ll need to ensure that your “tee” joints are at the proper angles connect with your top frame later on.
This means that you’ll need to construct your bottom frame ‘loosely,’ and then construct your top frame ‘loosely’ (see step 3 below) and then connect these two frames (see step 4) before permanently cementing everything together.
Also, you’ll probably want to construct your base frame in “halves.” This way, you can make each “half” independently, and then just connect them together.
Following the diagram above, build one half of the base frame, and then the next.
When you’ve connected them (without cementing everything), go ahead and set the finished frame aside until later.
Step 3
The top frame!
You’ll want to make the top frame just like you made the bottom one. Also please don’t cement it together until you’ve ensured that your “tee” joints are the proper angle to join up with your bottom frame (see Step 4 below).
First, use the diagram above to gather the necessary pieces. Then, build your top frame in two “halves.” Once your top frame is complete, move on to the next step.
Step 4
Almost done!
At this point, you should have two fully assembled frames (top and bottom).
Using the diagram above, please use 17” PVC tubes to connect your top and bottom frames.
Once they’re connected, you can take each piece apart one by one, in order to cement and/or glue them in place.
Alternatively, you can also cement one half of each frame together at a time, and then insert each cemented half into your “tee” joints.
However you choose to accomplish this: just make sure to add the wheels when you’re done!
And please, remember to let your new baby walker dry/cure properly before using it.
And that’s it!
We hope the build went well.
And we wish you and baby the best of adventures!