How to Build a Deck

Learn How to Build an Elegant and Functional Deck - Why Not Create Your Own?

Enhance the access to your home by constructing a deck using the wood of your choice. Whether you prefer the charm of rustic wood or the sophistication of fine woods like cedar, we have taken care of the challenging part of the process for you. We have designed the deck and compiled a comprehensive list of all the necessary parts.

The best part is that this design is tailored for do-it-yourself enthusiasts and doesn't demand a workshop or extensive carpentry skills. You have the flexibility to customize the design to suit your specific requirements. Simply order the required pre-cut wood from our list and get started with your project.

This deck design is perfect for various purposes, including main entrances, secondary entrances, garden entrances, and porches. Whatever your needs may be, this guide is ideal for you.

Are you ready to embark on this journey? Excellent! Take a look at the detailed DIY construction guide and diagrams below to begin your deck-building adventure.


A note before starting - 

Please understand - the below diagrams are genuinely and carefully designed to help you navigate the build process. However, we don’t include specific recommendations for which tools, hardware, or products to use. These truly are “DIY” designs. 

As such – a significant portion of the build-process will be up to you, the builder. So please know, there is no “right” or “wrong” way to assemble any of our designs! If you need to depart from the instructions, or rearrange things along the way, feel free to. 

The only thing we ask: please be safe! And of course, there’s no shame in asking an expert for help or seeking guidance from your local professionals at any time. 

And please: enjoy the process! 

List of Parts Needed to Build a Deck

Part icon
4'' x 4'' Lumber - 59.25" Length
Wood - Lumber
Part icon
1'' x 8'' Lumber - 3.25" Length
Wood - Lumber
Part icon
4'' x 4'' Lumber - 40.75" Length
Wood - Lumber
Part icon
1'' x 8'' Lumber - 81" Length
Wood - Lumber
Part icon
1'' x 8'' Lumber - 88" Length
Wood - Lumber
Part icon
Adjustable Standoff Post Base for 4x4 #2
Metal - Galvanized Steel
Part icon
4'' x 4'' Lumber - 4.5" Length
Wood - Lumber
Part icon
1'' x 4'' Lumber - 73" Length
Wood - Lumber
Part icon
1'' x 8'' Lumber - 80" Length
Wood - Lumber
Part icon
1'' x 4'' Lumber - 75" Length
Wood - Lumber
Part icon
1'' x 4'' Lumber - 36.5" Length
Wood - Lumber
Part icon
1'' x 4'' Lumber - 31.75" Length
Wood - Lumber
Part icon
1'' x 8'' Lumber - 13.5" Length
Wood - Lumber
Part icon
2'' x 4'' Lumber - 42.5" Length
Wood - Lumber
Part icon
2'' x 4'' Lumber - 34.5" Length
Wood - Lumber
Part icon
2'' x 4'' Lumber - 35" Length
Wood - Lumber
Part icon
1'' x 6'' Lumber - 78.75" Length
Wood - Lumber
Part icon
1'' x 6'' Lumber - 80" Length
Wood - Lumber
Part icon
1'' x 6'' Lumber - 43.5" Length
Wood - Lumber
Part icon
1'' x 2'' Lumber - 30.25" Length
Wood - Lumber
Part icon
1'' x 8'' Lumber - 4.5" Length
Wood - Lumber
Part icon
1'' x 8'' Lumber - 5" Length
Wood - Lumber
Part icon
1'' x 8'' Lumber - 4.75" Length
Wood - Lumber
Part icon
1'' x 8'' Lumber - 5.75" Length
Wood - Lumber
Part icon
1'' x 8'' Lumber - 4" Length
Wood - Lumber
Part icon
1'' x 8'' Lumber - 1" Length
Wood - Lumber
Part icon
2'' x 4'' Lumber - 33" Length
Wood - Lumber

Steps to Build a Deck

How do you know which part is which from the parts list? Click on "Edit Design in 3D" button above and you'll be able to click on each part to see its name.

Step 1: Building the Base Structure

The first step is to focus on constructing a strong and reliable base for your deck. This step is crucial as the base will bear the weight and load of the entire deck. To accomplish this, gather the following elements:

  • 5 profiles of 4x4 with a length of 59.25 inches
  • 2 profiles of 4x4 with a length of 58.25 inches
  • 1 profile of 4x4 with a length of 23 inches
  • 2 profiles of 1x8 with a length of 88 inches
  • 2 profiles of 1x8 with a length of 82 inches
  • 2 profiles of 1x4 with a length of 73 inches

Start by identifying and arranging the profiles on the floor, ensuring you have a clear plan before assembling them. It's recommended to begin by forming assembly groups.

  1. Identify the front of the deck, which consists of 3 posts of 59.25 inches. Attach a 1x8 profile at a height of 14.25 inches to these posts. This will form your Group 1 assembly.
  2. Move to the back of your deck, where you'll find 2 posts of 4x4 measuring 59.25 inches each, along with an intermediate post of 23 inches. As in the previous step, connect these 3 posts using a 1x8 profile at the same height as before.
  3. Repeat these steps for the left and right sides of the deck, joining the 4x4 posts with the 1x8 profiles. Additionally, on these sides, position a 1x4 profile measuring 73 inches below the intermediate post.

By following these instructions, you will successfully establish the base structure of your deck, ensuring its stability and strength.

Step 2: Constructing the Deck Floor

In order to proceed with building the floor structure, it is crucial to always identify the front and back of your deck. This step requires the following materials:

  • 7 profiles of 1x8 with a length of 80 inches
  • 1 profile of 1x4 with a length of 35 inches
  • 8 profiles of 1x8 with a length of 90 inches
  • 2 profiles of 1x4 with a length of 81 inches
  • 1 profile of 1x4 with a length of 42.5 inches

The key aspect of this step is to correctly position the 1x8 profiles. These profiles should span from the front to the back of the base structure. Afterward, arrange the remaining profiles to cover the surface you have just assembled, following the prescribed order of profiles as indicated in the provided diagram.

By carefully following these instructions, you will successfully construct the floor structure of your deck, ensuring a solid and well-arranged surface.

Step 3: Creating the Baluster Structure

In this step, we will construct the framework to support the balusters, giving shape to our deck. To proceed, prepare the following materials:

  • 2 profiles of 2x4 with a length of 42.5 inches
  • 4 profiles of 2x4 with a length of 35 inches
  • 4 profiles of 2x4 with a length of 34.5 inches
  • 2 profiles of 1x6 with a length of 81.25 inches
  • 1 profile of 1x6 with a length of 44.75 inches

Start by identifying the 81.25-inch profiles and attach them horizontally to the top of the protruding posts on both the left and right sides of your deck. These profiles will serve as a horizontal support for the balusters.

Next, locate the 44.75-inch profile (number 4) and attach it horizontally to the top of the left posts on the front of your deck.

Finally, you need to affix the remaining profiles (numbers 2 and 1) between the posts. The desired height will be determined by the measurement of your balusters. Fix these profiles from top to bottom, maintaining a distance of 31.5 inches between each profile.

By carefully following these instructions, you will successfully create the framework to support the balusters, adding both visual appeal and structural integrity to your deck.

Step 4: Adding the Finishing Touches

In this step, you should have the pre-cut materials ready, and your deck is beginning to take shape. You're now in the final stages of the construction process. For this step, you will need:

  • 35 profiles of 1x2 with a length of 31.5 inches

These 1x2 profiles will be attached to the 42.5-inch and 35-inch profiles that you previously fixed to the posts. Ensure that you fix them with a separation of 3.5 inches between each profile.

Remember, if you encounter any doubts or questions during the process, you can always refer to the 3D model we have prepared for you. This model provides a detailed visual representation of the project, allowing you to examine specific areas more closely.

By following these instructions and incorporating the 1x2 profiles, you will add the finishing touches to your deck. This step brings you closer to completing your project and enjoying the final result.

Step 5: Assembling the Access Stairs

In this step, we will assemble the access stairs to the deck. To proceed, gather the following materials:

  • 3 profiles of 1x8 with a length of 35 inches
  • 3 profiles of 2x4 with a length of 33 inches
  • 2 profiles of 1x8 with a length of 23 inches
  • 2 profiles of 1x8 with a length of 14.5 inches
  • 2 profiles of 1x8 with a length of 8 inches

Arrange the pieces as shown in the provided diagram. Begin by arranging the 1x8 profiles in a staggered manner, starting with the smallest length and gradually increasing to the largest. Fix the 2x4 profiles between the 1x8 profiles.

Next, secure the 35-inch profiles to the 2x4 profiles. These steps will provide functional access to your deck.

By following these instructions and assembling the stairs according to the diagram, you will successfully complete this step, ensuring safe and convenient access to your deck.

Step 6: Considerations for the Deck Foundation

In this step, it is important to note that this deck design assumes that you have already performed ground improvement work on the surface and have a concrete area large enough to accommodate the deck posts. However, if your ground surface does not meet these criteria, you will need to excavate a hole and use larger posts that can be buried in the ground.

To proceed, attach the bases for the 4x4 posts to the bottom of the posts. It is recommended to place these bases early in the construction process to ensure a solid foundation for your deck.

By considering these factors and adapting the construction process to suit your specific circumstances, you will be able to create a stable and secure foundation for your deck.

Finished Product in 3D!