Let's get spooky with this Halloween Haunted House, there are mazes inside!
Do you want to play a little prank on those little monsters that will be trick or treating soon? Or just make a fun Halloween Haunted House for your kids during this spooky season? -- This is a PVC DIY project that provides a step-by-step guide that will show you how to build a Halloween House with a haunted maze. You might take some time cutting all the PVC pipes, but assembling them will be real easy! This Halloween Haunted House is 125" wide and 75" tall with a depth of 150".
If you want to change it to suit your home's space, please edit the free 3D design. We also recommend giving it a perfect finish by sanding the pipes, this way the paint will not fall off the pipes.
Ideal for: Front or backyard
Let's start with this new PVC project that will be tons of fun for all those kids visiting you this Halloween. Let's do it!
A note before starting -
Please understand - the below diagrams are genuinely and carefully designed to help you navigate the build process. However, we don’t include specific recommendations for which tools, hardware, or products to use. These truly are “DIY” designs.
As such – a significant portion of the build-process will be up to you, the builder. So please know, there is no “right” or “wrong” way to assemble any of our designs! If you need to depart from the instructions, or rearrange things along the way, feel free to.
The only thing we ask: please be safe and use glasses and gloves while building. And of course, there’s no shame in asking an expert for help or seeking guidance from your local professionals at any time.
And please: enjoy the process!
With the help of your parts list you will mark the correct measurements on the PVC pipes and then with the help of a hacksaw or a hand saw in case it’s a wider PVC pipe.
This process is perhaps the longest of all, but once you have all your parts ready, assembling is a breeze. You can also use PVC Cement if you plan to leave the structure in a permanent place. If you plan to assemble and disassemble at any time you need to, avoid using PVC cement.
Also remember that your safety is the most important so we recommend that you use protective gear during the building process.
With all the material completely cut and organized, we are moving on to assemble the base of the Haunted House and the path of the haunted maze.
Let's build the base, starting with the front section of the Haunted House. Grab your 2" PVC Pipe and a 2" 3-way Outlet Slip, and place the tube on one of the bottom holes. On the other end of the PVC tube add a 2" 4-Way Outlet slip. Make sure you always have a hole facing up towards the PVC tubes that will be the structure of your walls. You'll add to the other end a 29.88" long PVC tube, then another 4-way. Then a 65'' long PVC tube. Your door entrance will be the second 29.88'' long tube you placed previously.
We will now set up the side of the house. Add to the 4-way a 75” long tube, then a 5-way outlet slip. The hole should be facing out since if you desire, you can add a hose and this to a smoke machine. Make sure you drill some of the PVC tubes in the base so the smoke comes out.
Now add a 37.39" long tube, another 4-way outlet slip and another 34.98" PVC tube. The final part of the slide will be a 3-way outlet slip. For now, we will focus on the back section of the house. Add a 65” long tube to the 3-way outlet, then a 2” tee female slip. Then add to that tee another 65'' long tube and finally a 3-way outlet slip.
We're about to finish our base. Grab a 75" PVC Tube and affix it to the 3-way outlet, then add a 2" tee female slip and then connect the last 75" PVC Tube to the 3-way outlet Slip you started with.
We will now leave the base to the haunted maze. Position yourself in front of the haunted house and in the first 4-way outlet place a 115.02" long PVC pipe. On the edge of that pipe affix a 4-way outlet slip. Please view the image for reference or go back to the 3D design.
Now add to the 4-way a 29.88” PVC Tube, then a 2” tee female slip PVC. Finally, a 64.98" PVC Pipe will connect with the 4-way outlet slip.
We will now attach the second tube to the 4-way outlet. Affix the 75" long PVC tube, then place it in a 5-way outlet, the hole on your right will have a 64.96" tube attached. The hole in the front should have a 37.4" tube that will connect with the Tee that we assembled. With no tube facing to the left, this will be an exit for smoke. Your base is now ready.
We will now place the tubes that will be in the walls of the Halloween Haunted House and the internal haunted maze. This step is fast - all your 75" long PVC tubes should be placed on the 3-way, 4-way and 5-way outlets. Now let’s build the top of the Haunted House.
Now we can see the Haunted House at the front again. On the left post place a 3-way outlet and a 32.36" long PVC pipe, this should get connected to a 4-way outlet and then a 29.9" long PVC tube. Then add a 4-way outlet and then a 65" long PVC tube. The final post should have a 3-way outlet.
Now let’s work on the right side of the house. To the 3-way outlet you’ll place a 74.95” PVC tube, then a 4-way outlet, then a 37.42” tube followed by a 4-way outlet and finally a 35” PVC tube and a 3-way outlet.
The back of the haunted house will continue with two PVC tubes 65'' long connected by a 2" tee female slip. The second tube will connect with the 3-Way Outlet. In the next section of the house you'll connect two 75'' long PVC pipes. These will also be connected by a 2" tee female slip and the second tube will be connected to the 3-way outlet of the haunted house front.
Your front superior PVC pipe will now have two 4-way outlets free to place PVC tubes. The first 4-way will support a 115" long PVC tube, then a 3-way outlet and finally a 97.46" long PVC tube, ending in a 4-way outlet on the right side of the house.
The second free 4-way outlet will support a 75" long PVC pipe that will then be connected to the 3-way outlet and finally a 65" PVC pipe will connect to the 4-way outlet. With this last tube in place, your structure is ready!
Once you have your structure ready and all the maze done, you can paint the PVC pipes. It's important to sand each pipe until it feels soft, this helps the paint set up better.
After picking your favorite color and painting all the tubes for the walls we suggest you choose your favorite fabric or print a canvas and place it on the structure.
If you live in a state with strong winds, we suggest fixing it like a tent to the floor..
Did you enjoy the process? Make sure to tag us on TikTok, we'd love to see your spooky PVC project!
Are you still looking for fun things to do with your kids? Why not try a PVC Air Rocket Launcher? This could be your next PVC project - an Air Rocket! This will make it the perfect thing to do together and see the rocket fly! Find a list of parts and a step-by-step guide to this Air Rocket Launcher here. Enjoy the process!