The Design App for DIYers

Snap! Snap!

Snap Parts Together. Design in 3D, Lengthen Tubes, Rotate & Swap Parts!
100% Free to Use!

Does That Fit This?

Yes! As You're Snapping Parts Together, You Only See Compatible Parts!

Export & Buy Parts List

See All the Parts in Your Design and Order Them. We Have Aluminum T-Slot / 8020, Lumber, PVC, Steel, HVAC and lots more!

Make Something!

Get  Inspired!

Check out all the cool stuff you can build! Whether you're looking for t-slot design software
or a free woodworking design app or a simple way to design your plumbing / pvc project
including your HVAC System, Crafty Amigo is your tool!

Huge Parts Library

Everything for building your shed, chicken coop, table, race simulator, rain water collection system, pool plumbing, kayak/utility cart, wheel chair, furniture, steam punk lamp, greenhouse, coldframe, potato gun, hydroponic/aquaponic system, irrigation/sprinkler system... and whatever else you can think of!

Our parts library includes a wide range of materials including t-slot aluminum, wood, aluminum 80/20, PVC, HVAC, steel and brass!

We Know What Fits Into What

We know the size & type of each connection of each part
So we show you only compatible parts when you're designing

So Easy to Use. Just Snap!

Get Your Parts List!

We give you the complete list that you can purchase!
No need for that 5th Home Depot trip

Ready to Play?

It's Free and Super Easy!

Make Something!


Is this a downloadable app?
No! It all works on the browser. It works on your phone as well as your computer!

Is it free?
Yes the app is 100% free.

Can I save my design?
Yes! You can save your design in your account.

Can I share my design?
Yes! You'll have a unique URL for every design you save which you can send to anyone! They can then see or clone the design. They cannot edit your design. You can also delete it whenever you'd like.

What materials do you support?
Crafty currently have 1000 parts across
aluminum 8020, steel, wood, HVAC and PVC! Let us know if we're missing a part.

Where did the idea for this app come from?
I spent a year building an off grid farm and knew nothing about construction / plumbing / electrical work…
I saw that most people had to go the hardware store multiple times and many times they weren’t able to finish their work that day because the vendor didn’t have the part. So I thought if you can design your project beforehand, it will allow us to check for compatibility while you’re designing and then be able to send you all the parts! Much easier!

Can I connect PVC to wood, t-slot / aluminum 8020?
Yes. There are transition parts that allow you to connect PVC to wood or wood to aluminum 8020. If there is interest, we will start adding parts like motors and electrical components as well.

The idea for Crafty is to be a place where you can design your entire project with all of its components so when you want to get to building, all you need to do is order!

Do you have everything in stock?
No, not everything. We currently have about half of the parts and our goal is to little by little add more.
For the parts we don't have, we will give you a link for the provider that you can buy it from. Hopefully as the app gets more traction, we will start to carry more and more items so we can ship you everything in one set.

How do you deal with long and heavy parts (like 2x4s)?
When you have parts longer than 36" or of a certain kind (like lumber beyond a certain WxH), we just give you the dimension / exact length for you to go buy that at your local store. It doesn't make much sense to ship a 2x4 :)

Are you going to add more parts?
Yes. This current set of parts that you see on the app is our initial set. We just finished this version in late April 2023 so we’re listening to the feedback we get and will evolve the app to be the best that it can be for all of you!

Why not just use CAD?
You can! If you have all the parts downloaded already and are an expert in CAD software. Also, I would hope that your CAD software gives you a clean output of all the parts / their exact measurements.
What CAD software won't do is allow you to share the design online and allow others to see your design and specs.

Do you have tips I can follow for different materials?
Sure! Here are some basic concepts.
How to Use 80/20 Aluminum
How to Cut PVC Pipe
Can I Connect PVC Pipe with Metal Threads?
How to Connect PVC Pipe without Glue

Do you have any tutorials on how to use the app?
Yes please visit our YouTube Channel and learn about:
Crafty Amigo Tutorial: Design Your Woodworking Project!
Crafty Amigo Tutorial: How to design your DIY PVC Project!